Complications of childhood obesity
Many parents are interested in feeding their children but wrongly through fast and unhealthy diets that go far away from vitamins and minerals and affect the child's development properly and may suffer from many health problems, most notably obesity.
Causes of childhood obesity:
1- Lack of exercise.
2- Genetic factors.
4- Meals with high fat or sugar.
5- Psychological reasons, the child may escape the stress experienced by the parents through food in large quantities.
Complications of childhood obesity physically:
1- Metabloic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that expose your child to diabetes, heart diseases or other health problems as well as increased abdominal fat.
2- Sleep disorders
Sleep apnea or snoring is abnormal breathing during sleep.
3- Breathing problems and asthma
Weight gain in a child's body may affect lung growth and health, leading to asthma or other respiratory problems.
4- Puberty or early menstruation
Obesity may cause hormone imbalance in a child, where puberty begins earlier than usual and for girls may start menstruating at an early age.
5- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
It is the accumulation of fat on the liver that can cause cirrhosis and has no symptoms.
6- Type 2 diabetes
Obesity and the wrong lifestyle increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
7- High blood pressure and cholesterol
A child may develop high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol, which causes narrowing of the arteries and leads to a heart attack or stroke during a later stage of life.
Complications of childhood obesity psychologically:
1- Depression
A child's lack of self-confidence with a sense of hopelessness and may lose hope that their lives will improve. He can escape from any social activities by sleeping a lot and hiding their grief, in this case you should talk to the child and encourage him because his depression is not less important than adult depression.
2- Bullying from others
Because many people are ignorant and not appreciating the feelings of others, some children may practice bullying their overweight or obese classmates,which leads their need to be isolated and want to escape from school.
3- Learning problems
As a result of bullying, overweight children are concerned and suffer from self-esteem which leads to lack of concentration, whether it's in school or learning any kind of skill because it feels most of the time socially undesirable.